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Shakespeare All Day

In addition to their provocative performances, the Shakespeare Theatre of NJ also conducts engaging workshops that get students on their feet to perform Shakespeare’s text.  While the performances engage, educate, and enlighten, the workshops make the experience more personal. Together, they transform Shakespeare from merely words in “some old book” to a fun, easily understood and accessible […]

Word Play

In his program Word Play, Alden Phelps combines a high-energy collection of far-fetched, funny songs and impressive guitar playing to delight every audience. In this reading and music assembly, students sing along with original songs such as: “When They Make Me President” “My Brother’s Got an iPod Totally Attached to His Head” “The Mysterious Island […]

A Way with Words

In this challenging workshop students use freestyle rap and the process of improvising lyrics to explore language, build confidence, and use creativity.  The art of freestyling illustrates to students the power poets possess as they use their own unique voices to weave words together into inspired lyrics. This art form strengthens students’ ability to bring […]

Ode to the Every Day: Appreciating the Mundane to the Incredible

Odes and appreciation poems have been praising people, places, events, things, and ideas for millennia. During this program students listen to, watch, and engage in close readings of odes and appreciation poems from a diverse sampling of poets. Students identify people, places, events, traditions,  beliefs, and ideas in their lives that they want to appreciate […]

Beats, Rhymes, and Life

This energetic and engaging exploration of percussion and poetry by Poetry Meets Percussion introduces students to how rhythms and spoken word can awaken their inner artists. Through poetry and percussive sound, students are awakened to both verbal and non-verbal ways to express themselves while learning to develop their own unique voices—one word, one beat at […]

I Never Saw Another Butterfly: Poetry, Art, and Stories of the Holocaust

This engaging workshop is a medley of short stories, poetry, and personal stories of young people who were impacted by the persecution of the Jews in Eastern Europe. Some perished and others escaped. The poems in the collection I Never Saw Another Butterfly…, by Pavel Friedman and others, are presented as catalysts for thought and […]

Performance Poetry

Students write and perform poems of various styles (haiku, rap, free verse, sonnets, etc.) while learning the history of these styles. They use some of the basic tools of drama as they perform their poems orally in a staged setting. Music can be infused into the residency through the use of live instrumentation or an […]

Soul Sessions

Gayle Danley shines a light on the vivid, moving, and real poetry that each student holds inside. Residencies begin with a performance that opens youthful eyes and ears to the power of the spoken word, and can end with a poetry “slam” in which students share their work with classmates and teachers.

Seeing and Writing Poetry

Using figurative language and image to spark the imagination, students explore memory through creative writing. Guided by the five senses, students use their personal experiences and emotions for inspiration as they write their own original poems. The results are carefully crafted memory poems expressed in vivid sensory language.

Soul Portraits

“Slamming” is poetry written and performed by the poet. This powerful performance builds a meaningful connection with students through the delivery of heart stirring, real-life poetry, creating an incomparable literary experience that is both dramatic and humorous. In three optional workshops following the performance, students write and perform their own slam poetry and create their […]

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