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Gargoyles: From Gothic to Grotesque

In Gargoyles: From Gothic to Grotesque, a 3-D artist shows how to create gargoyles using pinch-pot construction and basic hand-building pottery techniques. A storyteller recounts medieval legends and contemporary children’s fiction that inspire the students to write and perform their own myths based on their gargoyle creations.


Math is a doorway through which students can find a world that is fun, astonishing, and inspirational. This engaging program invites students to dive into the sometimes intimidating subject of math with the same passion they might join a soccer or video game. And it’s funny! Combining theatre, humor, and science, this multimedia program fascinates […]

Puppet Theatre Inside and Out

Spark imaginations and encourage creative risks with this wonderful introduction to the puppet world, including an expert presentation of Aesop’s Fables with Steve Abrams. Students learn to use their voices, invent characters, and manipulate puppets in a scene.

The Appalachian Tale

Come on in, sit down by the fire, and hear a fantastic tale! Through unparalleled storytelling, catchy music, and lively audience participation, this journey to the heart of the Appalachian Mountains explores the unique history, vibrant culture, and deep creativity of this distinctive region of the United States. Students learn about the people and customs […]

Shadow Ball

Shadow Ball pays homage to the men who played in Negro League baseball and paints a picture of America’s suffering during the Great Depression. Rochel Garner Coleman plays Cool Papa Bell, one of the League’s most famous players. A sterling fielder and an outstanding batter (regularly averaging over .400), Bell was legendary for his uncanny […]

I, Nat Love

Playing the black cowboy, Nat Love, Rochel Garner Coleman treats the audience to the life and times of this ex-slave who joined thousands of others like him to explore and settle the West. Based on stories from Love’s autobiography, this one-man show was written by Rochel and underwent development at the Langston Hughes Center for […]

Hooked on Books

Who wins the epic battle between TV and reading? Mild-mannered Mr. Jones sits down one day to enjoy a television program when he is interrupted by a public service announcement that makes him aware of this important question. He learns how reading is an exciting way to gain new skills, see new places, meet new […]

East Meets West

Experience astounding puppets that come alive through stories of China and America. With stunning visuals and graceful movements, this program presents the ancient art form of Chinese Puppet Theater. Fusing movement and music found in Chinese Opera with Western technology, this  exploration brings the complex role of the puppeteer as storyteller, technician, and visual artist […]

Harriet Tubman: The Chosen One

This dynamic one-woman performance takes students along on one of the many journeys Harriet Tubman made on the Underground Railroad. Through rousing song, insightful history, and extraordinary acting, this program helps students understand the strength, courage, faith, and steadfastness of this remarkable American, once a slave herself, who led more than 300 other slaves to […]

Objects in Motion

Combine world-class juggling skills with solid links to science and math, mix in lots of comedy, and what do you get? The Gizmo Guys! With unbelievable teamwork and cooperation, this duo, who have been performing in schools for over 20 years, amaze the audience with their mastery of patterns, gravity, symmetry, and fun!

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