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Soul Sessions

Gayle Danley shines a light on the vivid, moving, and real poetry that each student holds inside. Residencies begin with a performance that opens youthful eyes and ears to the power of the spoken word, and can end with a poetry “slam” in which students share their work with classmates and teachers.

Seeing and Writing Poetry

Using figurative language and image to spark the imagination, students explore memory through creative writing. Guided by the five senses, students use their personal experiences and emotions for inspiration as they write their own original poems. The results are carefully crafted memory poems expressed in vivid sensory language.

Stories and Songs in the African Oral Tradition

For hundreds of years throughout the African continent, stories were the way the beliefs, mythology, cultural identity, history, and shared community values of a people were taught and preserved. Charlotte Blake Alston uses her melodic and mesmerizing voice to breathe life into contemporary and ancient tales alike, accompanying her stories with thumb piano, djembe, and […]

Hooked on Books

Who wins the epic battle between TV and reading? Mild-mannered Mr. Jones sits down one day to enjoy a television program when he is interrupted by a public service announcement that makes him aware of this important question. He learns how reading is an exciting way to gain new skills, see new places, meet new […]

Soul Portraits

“Slamming” is poetry written and performed by the poet. This powerful performance builds a meaningful connection with students through the delivery of heart stirring, real-life poetry, creating an incomparable literary experience that is both dramatic and humorous. In three optional workshops following the performance, students write and perform their own slam poetry and create their […]

The Shakespeare Guyz

Shakespeare has never been more appealing or understandable. Anthony and Ben unlock the Bard’s brilliance with humor, costumes, sword fights, Elizabethan insults, and lots of audience involvement. From the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet to Hamlet’s lament with Yorick’s skull, The Shakespeare Guyz assembly makes the greatest writer in the English language cool!

Poetry in Motion

Poetry can be so much fun! In this engaging program, Anthony Cascio combines acting, mime, vocal gymnastics, humor, audience participation, and a steamer trunk full of costumes, puppets, and props to allow students to encounter poetry as an engaging and relevant art form. This irresistible cast of characters, recreated from the poems by A.A. Milne, […]

Cuentos: Tales from the Latino World

Witness a vivid picture of the people and rich cultures of the Spanish-speaking world with colorful tales from the Caribbean, South America, Spain, and the Bronx. From the enchanting Puerto Rican magician Milomaki to the friendship between young Delgadina and a magical snake, these stories are filled with memorable characters, fantastic plots, and positive messages. […]

Babar The Elephant

In this classic story by Jean de Brunhoff with music by Francis Poulenc, children discover the instruments of the woodwind quintet, learn to recognize instrumental sounds and moods, and hear the difference between melody and accompaniment and woodwind and brass. A gifted actor-storyteller narrates the tale of Babar, a baby elephant who loses his mother […]

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