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Songwriting and Green Screen Music Videos

Whether you want to create a school song, find new ways to engage students in science or math, or address character education, this workshop empowers and motivates students through the exciting process of writing and recording songs. Students brainstorm ideas, write original lyrics and music, and perform and record songs digitally. They also explore cutting-edge […]

The Stories All Around Us

Based on his personal journey to discover his family’s history, Jacob Winterstein developed this residency as a way to share his process and help young people connect with their personal history and the stories of those around them. Participants learn the stories of the people in their lives, whether they be family members, caregivers, babysitters, […]

Ode to the Every Day: Appreciating the Mundane to the Incredible

Odes and appreciation poems have been praising people, places, events, things, and ideas for millennia. During this program students listen to, watch, and engage in close readings of odes and appreciation poems from a diverse sampling of poets. Students identify people, places, events, traditions,  beliefs, and ideas in their lives that they want to appreciate […]

Chinese Calligraphy

Chinese calligraphy is both a means of communication and an expression of a person’s artistic identity. Students learn the meanings of and ways to  write words in Chinese ideographs while using traditional brushes and paper. They also discover the cultural and historical context of Chinese  calligraphy, which occupies a distinguished position in the field of […]

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

When starry-eyed young lovers and zany would-be actors cross paths with mischief-making fairies in a magical forest, the result is one of the world’s most uproarious comedies. This production is a fanciful envisioning of the Bard’s classic; an ideal “first Shakespeare” for elementary grades and a riotous roller-coaster for teens and teachers.  Midsummer is perfect for meeting the […]

Beats, Rhymes, and Life

This energetic and engaging exploration of percussion and poetry by Poetry Meets Percussion introduces students to how rhythms and spoken word can awaken their inner artists. Through poetry and percussive sound, students are awakened to both verbal and non-verbal ways to express themselves while learning to develop their own unique voices—one word, one beat at […]

Poetry and Movement

Combining their artistic disciplines, dancer Michelle Marigliano and poet Eloise Bruce work together to bring poetry and movement into the classroom in Poetry and Movement. Through movement games students will explore elements of dance including space, time and energy and use this exploration as inspiration to create poetry. The Poetry and Movement interactive sessions will […]

I Never Saw Another Butterfly: Poetry, Art, and Stories of the Holocaust

This engaging workshop is a medley of short stories, poetry, and personal stories of young people who were impacted by the persecution of the Jews in Eastern Europe. Some perished and others escaped. The poems in the collection I Never Saw Another Butterfly…, by Pavel Friedman and others, are presented as catalysts for thought and […]

Performance Poetry

Students write and perform poems of various styles (haiku, rap, free verse, sonnets, etc.) while learning the history of these styles. They use some of the basic tools of drama as they perform their poems orally in a staged setting. Music can be infused into the residency through the use of live instrumentation or an […]

The Write Stuff

Two teaching artists guide and inspire students to spontaneously create rough drafts of stories, getting their ideas down on paper quickly before they disappear in premature self-editing. Through improvisational games, students are encouraged to accept their instinctual choices for character, setting, and action and to commit to those choices on the page. Students imagine the […]

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