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The Amazing Junk Jam

Are you ready to jam? Environmental sustainability and social responsibility take center stage in this high-energy educational program featuring found objects and homemade instruments. Everyone gets involved, as students create and layer sounds, using looping technology to create songs. Learning that junk can be used in so many ways has never been such fun!


Blending zany humor, songs, dance, and solid science, this amazingly charismatic performer champions the importance of ecological responsibility. RecycleMania! explores the use and abuse of landfills, the harvesting of natural resources for making recyclable products, nature’s efficient systems for reuse, and a practical approach to recycling on a daily basis.    

Geology Rocks

In Geology Rocks, children sing and dance about the Big Bang, plate tectonics, the rock cycle, and erosion—Billy B. style! Billy teaches new songs so they can sing with and, in some cases, dance with Billy B. while he performs his original songs, dances, and poems about geology. Billy B. uses a multi-layered backdrop to give visual […]

Nature in the City

Billy B. examines “urban ecology” in this funny musical introduction to the interaction of plants, animals, humans, and the environment in metropolitan areas. Nature in the City examines the neighborhood ecosystem through song and dance as Billy encourages his audiences to become stewards of the planet.

The Art of Invention

Are your students inventive? Through hands-on engineering with simple materials, students explore cause and effect in artistic sculptures, simple machines, and elegant design. Problem-solving in teams, competitive challenges, and the consequences of economics add to the excitement, along with introductions to Ancient Rome, Leonardo da Vinci, and the ever-popular idea that “form follows function.”


S.P.E.C.T.R.U.M.: Specialized Projects Encouraging Children to Really Understand Math Transform math from a world that students dread to one that is thoroughly absorbing. From Fibonacci to fractals, tessellations to polyhedra, students create hands-on projects translating abstract mathematical concepts into beautiful works of art. Explore space by building out of everyday materials and learn about mathematical […]

Synthesizing Science and Dance

In Synthesizing Science and Dance, students substitute movement and dance for the laboratory, and study the plant and animal kingdoms, circulatory and skeletal systems, energy, velocity, inertia, and other scientific concepts.


Math is a doorway through which students can find a world that is fun, astonishing, and inspirational. This engaging program invites students to dive into the sometimes intimidating subject of math with the same passion they might join a soccer or video game. And it’s funny! Combining theatre, humor, and science, this multimedia program fascinates […]

Ways of the Bay

In Ways of the Bay, Billy B.’s introductory song illustrates how water running off a roof into a drain spout will eventually end up in the local watershed. All of the water from the streets that flows into storm drains or ditches also eventually flows into the closest creek or river. Through song, Billy B. […]

Objects in Motion

Combine world-class juggling skills with solid links to science and math, mix in lots of comedy, and what do you get? The Gizmo Guys! With unbelievable teamwork and cooperation, this duo, who have been performing in schools for over 20 years, amaze the audience with their mastery of patterns, gravity, symmetry, and fun!

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