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Burble, Fizz, Kaboom!

In Box of Light’s playful performance Burble, Fizz, Kaboom, Rand Whipple combines chemical reactions, solutions, molecules, and phase changes with a great sense of humor, and is presented with a lot of help from the audience. Students help make liquid lasagna, shatter a marshmallow, and learn what scientists want more than anything else in the […]

Kinetic Circus

Be amazed as the kinetic circus performs epic feats of strength, agility, and balance! Inspired by Alexander Calder’s famous Circus, students make mechanical characters from found materials such as wire, wood, corks, and springs. Through an intensive, hands-on process, students learn how simple machines (cranks, pulleys, and wheels) transform and magnify energy to enable human […]

Biodiversity with Billy B.

Billy B. uses science, humor, music, dance, and audience participation to introduce the wonder of our earth’s biodiversity, why it is declining, and how we can help to protect it. Billy B. hopes to educate people of all ages about biodiversity by introducing issues such as pollution, deforestation, and overfishing and how other human behaviors […]

Creative Up-cycling!

Turning junk into musical instruments from Africa to America! This immersive program inspires students to creatively repurpose objects as they learn about a musical tradition that has spanned cultures and continents for centuries. Curtis Blues performs using a wide variety of “up-cycled” instruments made in Africa, South America, and the U.S., including traditional gourd instruments. […]

Spirals in Nature: Fibonacci and Beyond

Focusing on the beauty, efficiency, and mathematical sequence of the spiral form, students create coil clay forms as well as a model made from cut paper. Students observe, draw, and model specimens and examples from nature, including the chambered nautilus, sunflowers, pine cones, and fingerprints.  The Fibonacci sequence is also demonstrated and explained.

The Amazing Junk Jam Workshop

After a Junk Jam Band performance, musicians Josh Robinson and Zach Green give students a hands-on experience with recyclables and found objects made into instruments. Students make music by engaging in a “junk jam” with the artists.

Junk Jam: The Multi-Day Experience

Students experience making music with found objects and create their own found-object instrument they can keep. Long-term residencies (10 days or more) also include a student performance on the instruments they make or the creation of larger, communal “junk jam stations” that can stay behind at the school. 2 class limit (up to 90 minutes […]

Branching Patterns in Nature

Branching is a growth pattern found everywhere in the natural world. Using natural specimens, students observe, study, sketch, and build models that explore patterns of branching in nature, including trees, leaves, and plants; coral and seaweed; fungi and algae; and lightning. Human-made  constructs connected to branching, such as mapping, urban planning, and circuitry, are also […]

Silkscreen a Scene

Students learn simple silkscreen printmaking as they create a collaborative piece based on “nature imprints, the silhouettes of actual plants. This workshop offers many possibilities and options depending on how many days are available. A one-day workshop allows participants to print screens on a collaborative piece such as a banner, mural, scroll, wall, or t-shirts/costumes. […]

Science Can Dance!

Science and the Natural World come to life through the exciting and dynamic creative movement experience Science Can Dance! Students explore and move based on classroom topics while practicing critical thinking skills, creative problem solving, and cooperative sharing of ideas in an environment that values each members’ contribution to the creative process. Topics can include […]

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